1 min read

What would you change?

What would you change?

If you could change just one thing about British agriculture, what would it be?

I asked this question on TikTok last week and was overwhelmed by the response. Over 170 people commented and the most common answers related to money.

  • Make farming more financial viable
  • Allow farmers to set the price of their produce based on the cost of production
  • Give control back to the farmers and not the supermarkets
  • Better milk price
  • The ability to pay workers a fair wage
  • Profitability - everything else would follow

All of this feeds into my believe that the biggest issue facing British agriculture is that it's become financially unviable to produce food in this country.

The reasons for this are plenty: surging input costs, a broken food supply chain and a lack of government support for home grown produce.

But what are the solutions? They're always more difficult to find.

And what are my thoughts? What would I change?

I'd change the culture and attitudes around farming to enable the industry to flourish.

I'd change the industry's 'moral obligation' to feed the nation at any cost.

I'd change the ostrich mentality of sticking your head in the sand, resisting change and doing things as they've always been done.

Because the old ways of doing things no longer work.

But change is difficult. It always is.

But we have to do difficult things for an easy life.

Change requires desire, bravery and risk. It's easier to stay where we are, doing what we've always done. But in order to grow, we need change.

Both at an individual and industry level.

If we stand any chance of survival then we need to change.